- Mahjong Rules

Our Leaderboard ranking is based on the individual player's total season points for each season.
How are these season points scored and accumulated: click here
How is your score calculated for every game: The Winner of each game receives three times the number of points scored.
The Thrower will receive minus three times the number of points scored.
If the winning hand is self drawn: the remaining 3 players will each receive minus equal number of points.
Examples of the above:
If the winner wins a hand worth 20 points, then the winner will gain 60 points (20*3=60).
If someone threw a hand worth 20 points, then the thrower will receive minus 60 points (20*3=60).
If the winner has a self-drawn hand worth 20 points, then the remaining 3 players will each receive minus the same 20 points.
For Points Scoring Pattern click here

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