mahjong australia
5th anniversary cruise party report
The Detail for the 5th anniversary cruise party report click here
Notice to all APM Mahjong players
The Detail for the cruise is Embark Casino Wharf, Pirrama Road at 12PM on Sunday 14 Oct 2018, The Vessel name is Bella Vista. plan ahead and please don't be late
2018 Epping Mahjong Championship $40000 top 16 players
Wendy CHAN1
Shihao ZHOU2
Sau Lin LI3
Pingxia CHU4
Jingru ZOU5
Mei Yi WONG6
Yiu Hing YAU7
Meihong LAO8
Zhaolan NI9
Shuijin XU10
Linda ZHANG11
Zhihui LI12
Ji Xi XIAO13
Kang Yong LIN14
Michelle LIEW16
2018 $38500 CNY Mahjong Championship top 16 players
Kenneth YIP1
Mei Lin CHAN2
Yvonne LEE3
Linda PANG4
Fiona CHUNG6
Nelson MAK7
Sylvia CHONG8
Jinyou HUANG9
Dominic MOK10
Kai Kit TAM11
Xiaohui HUANG12
Paddy HO13
Des CHEE14
Zhen LU15
Constance LIM16
Check the latest Guobiao game report from Sydney player Anthony TO.
Final result for the Nanyang Modern Mahjong Mindsport Tournament
Notice to all Guobiao winners from Organisers of the Nanyang Modern Mahjong Mindsport Tournament
Your chance to win tickets of Nanyang Modern Mahjong Mindsport Tournament 2018, in Singapore from 1st to 5th March 2018
From 5th Oct 2017 to 11th Jan 2018, we will have Guobiao competition on every Thursday night at Ashfield RSL, the top 2 players on the leaderboard will get free airfare and accomodation to Nanyang Modern Mahjong Mindsport Tournament 2018, in Singapore from 1st to 5th March 2018.
Click here for more details
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Latest game result
Tuesday Morning--Ashfield RSL Club
1Danyi WU WCG1622275815
2Yuci JIANG WCG1622217795
3Pui WONG WCG2123117745
4Zhihui LI WCG1421569715
5Chenzhen XU WCG2223133670
6Susan FAN WCG1922992650
7Sau Lin LIM WCG1321063600
8Yu Hua ZHAO WCG1321421510
8Mei LI WCG1321297510
10Boi Phuong TRAN WCG1421944485
Tuesday Afternoon--Ashfield RSL Club
1Kwok Fai NG WCG18226251145
2Christopher PANG WCG1321377980
2Anan XU WCG1421592980
4Jan VAN WCG1722411760
5Des CHEE WCG1321018705
6Ha LOPEZ WCG1421537700
7Shaoshan XIE WCG1622215695
8Tse Kwan KAM WCG1822718605
9Nelson MAK WCG1321160555
10Hoong Ghee WONG WCG1622247520
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