mahjong australia

As we are coming into Autumn, it is a good time to start thinking about those children and families facing great hardship this coming winter. Let us get together and start knitting squares which we have previously done and put another blanket or two together for donation to a worthy cause.

Instructions for Making Squares:-

Instructions For Making Squares

Squares for Wraps are to measure 25cm x 25cm (10 inches x 10 inches).

Knitted Squares

To knit a 25cm x 25cm square use No.8 (4mm) needles with 8 ply yarn, cast on 50-55 stitches, and knit each row plain (ie garter stitch).


Test your tension to measure 10 inches.

Do Not Knit Stocking stitch

Do not knit one row plain, one row purl (ie stocking stitch) as your square will curl up.

No Knots

Start each ball of yarn at the beginning of a row and sew in ends. Do not cut ends off short as your square will unravel. When starting or finishing a square, sew in all ends.

Crochet squares

Crochet squares to measure 25cm x 25 cm as for knitted squares - any pattern will do. Some people crochet the whole Wrap in one piece.

Completed Wraps Are Preferred

They are made up of 28 squares as per diagram.

Across: 4 squares = 100cm (40 inches).
Down: 7 squares = 175 cm (70 inches).

Please keep joins on the same side and flat and alternate the squares vertically and then horizontally.

Wraps can be knitted, woven or patchwork lined to finish at approximately 100 cm x 175 cm (40 inches x 70inches).

Instructions For Diagonal Squares

Cast on 3 stitches.
Row 1: K1, increase 1 in next stitch, knit to end of row.
Repeat Row 1 until side edge measures 10 inches (25 cm).
Next Row: K1, K2 together, knit to end of row.

Repeat this row until 3 stitches remain, cast off.

In some instances you may have to decrease 2 stitches per row (beginning and end) towards the last 3 inches of the square due to the tension of various yarns. This will ensure a perfect 25cm square.

Fun and Advanced Pattern Idea

Try it. It's easier than it looks. It cuts down on 'sewing up' time as 4 or 7 squares can be knitted in one strip.

Block 1, cast on 100 stitches
Row 1: k48, k2 tog. Using a contrasting colour tie a marker around the needle. Knit to the end of row.
Row 2: Knit to 2 stitches BEFORE the marker, k2 tog. Slip marker, knit to end of row.
Repeat row 2 until there are 4 sts left, dropping the marker on the last row.

Next row: k1, k2 tog, k1 Next row: k1, k2 together.
Final row: k2 together, do not break off thread.

To begin Block 2, pick up 50 stitches along the top edge of Block 1.
Turn knitting around and then continue by casting on (using the two needle cast-on method) a further 50 stitches (100 stitches).
Repeat rows as for Block 1.
Make columns of 4 or 7 blocks and sew columns together.

Or, alternatively, to avoid having to sew the columns up, using a completed column of 4 or 7 squares, begin 2nd column:

1st block cast on 50 stitches and then pick up 50 stitches along the right edge of the first square of the first column.

Knit a new square.

2nd block: pick up 50 stitches along the top edge of the square just completed and 50 stitches from the side of the 2nd square in the first column.

Knit a new square.

Continue with this process until all 28 squares have been completed.
Please be sure to sew in all loose ends.

Gift From Wrap With Love Australia

A 'Gift from Wrap with Love Australia' label has been printed and we ask that you attach one label to one underside corner of each Wrap.

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